2022. Drawing Now Art Fair, Paris, stand of Galerie Zlotowski, Le Salon du Dessin Contemporain, Carreau du Temple, Paris, May 19-22, stand C15. Works on paper by Eugene James Martin (Focus). Curator: Bruno Jean (Solo booth).
2016. Eugene James Martin - historical works from the 1960s and 1970s, beta pictoris gallery/Maus Contemporary at ArtMarbella Art Show, Spain, July 29-Aug. 3 (Solo booth, Art Fair).
2012. Masur Museum of Art: Monroe, LA.Improvisations in Time: Eugene J. Martin and the Masur Museum of Art. Aug. 4-Oct. 25 [68 works of art] (solo show). Click here for catalogue. Click here for Masur Museum Facebook exhibit album. Click herefor exhibit video. Click here, hereand here for Curator's Benjamin Hickey Sept. 20, 2012 lecture. Curated by Benjamin Hickey.
2011.New Orleans African American Museum: New Orleans, LA.Dancing String Bean: Paintings and Drawings by Eugene Martin. Apr 6-Sept. 17 [29 works of art] (solo show). Click here and here for exhibit videos. Curated by Marie Vinouze.
2009. Cajun Spice Gallery, Lafayette LA: Eugene J. Martin: Spice of Life. Nov 14-Dec 10 [32 works of art] (solo show). Click here and here for videos. Click here for catalogue.
2009. Acadiana Center for the Arts, side gallery: Lafayette LA. Eugene Martin in Black and White. Jan 10-31. [75 works of art] (solo show). Curated by Rose Macaluso Courville. Click here for video.
2008. Chico Municipal Building Art Gallery: Chico, CA. Jerry Harris & Eugene Martin. Jan. 15-Feb. 29 (two person show).
2006. University of Louisiana Dupré Gallery: Lafayette LA. Works by Eugene Martin. March 1-Apr 28 [36 works of art] (solo show).
2006. Black Heritage Gallery, McNeese State University: Lake Charles LA. Eugene Martin. March 16-Apr 28; curated by Stella Jones Gallery, New Orleans LA [22 works of art] (solo show).
2006. Ema's: Lafayette LA. Art by Eugene J. Martin. Feb 19-June 11 [30 works of art] (solo show).
2006. 307 Club downtown: Lafayette LA. Remembering Eugene Martin. March 11-29 [11 works of art] (solo show)
1996. Cultural Center Oudenaarde: Oudenaarde, Belgium. Eugene J. Martin, USA. Drawings and paintings. Click here for exhibit video. May 31-June 14 [54 works of art] (solo show).
1994. Lilly Gallery, Duke University: Durham NC.Eugene Martin. Acrylic paintings on paper. Sept 12-Oct 24 (solo show).
1988. Municipal Gallery 'DC Art Works', Washington DC. pen & ink drawings, paintings on silk reproduced in Udaipur, India. Sept-Oct (solo show).
1988. Municipal Gallery 'DC Art Works', Washington DC. Eugene Martin's pen & ink drawings and paintings on silk reproduced in Udaipur, India. Aug (solo show).
1983. Decorative Art Department - Bloomingdales: Falls Church VA. Eugene Martin paintings (sold out) (solo show).
1982. Decoration of Restaurant 'The Breadoven': Washington DC. Paintings by Eugene Martin on silk reproduced in Udaipur, India (solo show).